Friday, June 27, 2008


Almost four years ago Janet Cooper and Renee Van Buren (botanists and neighbors) showed up at our front door with a big sack of seeds from their Palmer's penstemons. We planted them on the hill of dirt denuded of natural vegetation by building the house. And now you see their progeny.

Good neighbors.

Good plants.

And what a scent.


Unknown said...

I just read your post on accepted ideas. I think the biggest and most challenging ideas for me are recognition of ideas stale, ideas fresh, and ideas timely. I never really considered the appropriateness of my ideas before I returned to school in '03. Oh sure, there is and was always a modicum of consideration before making a choice. But all-in-all, I wasnt conscious of the cliche-ness of life before I started digging deep into actual personal substance of the driving motivation behind my intentions.

I'm determined to become a productively genuine adult by the time I'm 70. With ongoing experiences at UVU, I have a chance of making it!!!!

will said...

Janet Cooper and Renee Van Buren are two of my all time favorite teachers. The former convinced me of the reality of natural selection in high school (with a clever activity involving colored paper punches and soapy glasses), and the latter is solely responsible for all of my environmentalism.

What great neighbors to have.

Blue Moon said...

For me the best part of an acre covered in penstemons is the delicate (and tasty) smell that blankets us every day. The worst part of an acre covered in penstemons is watching the wind scatter the flowers across the land knowing that Summer is rapidly coming to an end. Dogs Rule!